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St Thomas More Catholic School provides a Catholic education for children between the ages of 4 and 11 years.

To apply for a place at St Thomas More Catholic School, you must use a Common Application Form available from the school or from Coventry City Council (02476 975445). This is the same for Rising Five and In Year Applications. To apply online click here

Children of all faiths are welcomed at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, but please remember that if your child is applying for a place at here and is baptised Catholic, you must forward a copy of the Baptism certificate with your application.

Details of our Admission Policies are below.  Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements carefully before making their application.

To view the Parish Boundary Map click here.  Enter your postcode in the search, streets within St Thomas More Parish are within the Purple Boundary area.

For details on applying for in-year admission, please see the Local Authority in-year admissions here.

Details of our Admission Policies are here: 

St. Thomas More Catholic Primary School - School Policies (

Application for Independent Admission Appeal Hearing
You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful. If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions please contact You may also wish to discuss in-year applications with the local authority

Application for an Independent Admission Appeal Hearing


Below are the timelines for both In-Year Admissions (2023-2024) and Rising Five Admissions for September 2024:

Appeals for admissions  
Deadline for lodging appeals and providing evidence to support the appeal (if appropriate) At least 20 school days from the date of notification that the application was unsuccessful
Appeals will be heard Within 30 school days of deadline for appeals
Notice of appeal hearing At least 10 school days notice
Deadline for Local Governing Body to submit evidence for the appeal At least 10 school days before the appeal hearing
Deadline for sending appeal papers to all parties No later than 10 school days before the appeal hearing
Deadline for appellant to submit additional evidence Five school days before the appeal hearing. Information or evidence not submitted by the deadline might not be considered at the appeal
Late applications for appeals will be heard At the same time as previously scheduled appeals or within 30 school days of appeal being lodged
Decision letters sent to appellant Normally within five school days
Timetable for September 2024  
Primary round of admissions  
Date of allocation of places Tuesday 16th April 2024
  Letters will be sent second class or email sent out
Deadline for lodging appeals and providing evidence to support the appeal (if appropriate) Friday 10th May 2024
Appeals will be heard by Thursday 20th June 2024
  Friday 21st June 2024
Notice of appeal hearing At least ten school days notice
Deadline for Local Governing Body to submit evidence for the appeal Friday 7th June 2024
  (if posting allow time to arrive by this date)
Deadline for sending appeal papers to all parties No later than 10 school days before the appeal hearing
Deadline for appellant to submit additional evidence Five school days before the appeal hearing. Information or evidence not submitted by the deadline might not be considered at the appeal
Late applications for appeals will be heard by At the same time as previously scheduled appeals or within 30 school days of appeal being lodged
Decision letters sent to appellant Normally with five days



Children may be admitted to Nursery at the beginning of a term after their third birthday. Nursery applications are available from the school office or can be downloaded on the attachment below. Please submit and return your application to the school office ( along with a copy of your child’s birth certificate. If your child is baptised Catholic, please forward a copy of the Baptism certificate with your application.

Allocation of a place at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School’s Nursery does not automatically guarantee that a place will be offered in the Reception class of St Thomas More Catholic Primary School. Details of our Admission Policies, and application forms are below. Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements carefully before making their application.

We fully understand that parents wish to make as fully informed decisions as possible when choosing which school to apply to for their child, and Mrs Collins (Headteacher) has scheduled multiple parent tours throughout the year to share our happy school life. Please contact the office (024 76849910) if you would like to book on to a scheduled tour. 



Please complete the nursery application form below:

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Exam & Assessment Results

St Thomas More Catholic Primary School academised in September 2019, to join the newly formed Holy Cross Catholic MAC. You can find the school data from before academisation here. For the school data since academisation, please click here.

Please note that due to Covid, there were no statutory tests in the summer of 2020 and so no results for this period are available.

Behaviour Policy

School Complaints Procedure

Pupil Premium

The school receives funding each year for children who are classed as disadvantaged (registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years) or looked after. This funding is spent in order to diminish the difference in achievement between these children and their more advantaged peers nationally. In the 2020-21 academic year we expect to receive approximately £104,495 in pupil premium funding.

At St Thomas More we review our pupil premium policy annually and the next review is due in November 2021.

PP Statement 21-22 STM Pupil premium statement 20-21 Pupil premium statement 19-20

Details of our Policies can be found here: St. Thomas More Catholic Primary School - School Policies (

PE & Sports Premium

The primary PE and sport premium was introduced in March 2013 to improve the provision of physical education and school sport in primary schools across England. The £150 million per year funding is provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health, and Culture, Media and Sport (DfE, DH, DCMS). The funding is allocated directly to primary schools and is ring-fenced. This means it may only be spent on improving the provision of PE and sport in schools. The government have committed to continue the funding until 2021.

Sports PE Grant 2019-20 Sports PE Grant 2020-21

SEND & Disability Information

Saint Thomas More’s Catholic Primary School is an inclusive mainstream school, with strong family and parish links. We strive to meet the needs of all of our pupils, providing individualised learning and embracing and celebrating each child’s individuality. Our aim is to ensure that all our pupils are “the best that they can be,” knowing their strengths and providing them with a well-rounded, child centred curriculum, with opportunities for all to shine. As a school we have an in-house independent Speech and Language Therapist and our SENDCo is a qualified specialist teacher of dyslexia. In addition to this, we are able to access the support of specialist teachers and an Educational Psychologist to support our staff in creating a targeted provision for those who require additional support.


Jesus Christ said ‘Let the children come to me, do not hinder them’ (Matthew 19:14) and at Saint Thomas More’s Catholic Primary School, this underpins all that we aim to achieve. We strive to educate pupils in such a way that no matter what their abilities or background they may reach their full potential as human beings. We look to overcome any barriers that might prevent any pupil accessing the fullness of the curriculum, opportunities, and activities we offer.

Who should I contact if I want to find out about how the school supports my child?

Mrs Sarah Webster ~ SENDCo and Inclusion Lead or 02476 849910

SEND policy Mar 21 Accessibility-Plan-2021

Equality Objectives

Equality Objectives:

1) To diminish the difference between disadvantaged children and their peers in the 2020-21 cohort so that more of them achieve in line with national expectations as they move into key stage 2

2) To close the achievement gap between boys and girls in the 2020-21 cohort as they move into key stage 1

3) To promote accelerated progress for all groups in key stage 2

4) To raise achievement for all groups in writing so that progress and attainment are in line with figures for reading and maths

For more information on equality policies in the school please see the following document

Details of our Policies can be found here: St. Thomas More Catholic Primary School - School Policies (

Charging & Remissions Policy

Values & Ethos

Requests for Paper Copies

If you require a paper copy for any of our policies
please email your request to or call 024 7684 9910.