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Becoming world explorers!



Our world, created by God, is a wonderful, exciting and dynamic place. It is full of incredible of places, climates and people, ready to be explored and investigated. Geography is an important part of our school curriculum, which allows our pupils to explore their local environment and the wider world beyond. We aim to develop children's curiosity about the world around them and to become real world explorers.


Through the study of Geography, pupils develop their awareness of places, processes in the world, key fieldwork skills and the effects of human behaviour on places and the natural world. Geography provides opportunities for children to develop map reading skills and to explore topical environmental issues. Through exploring different places pupils learn about different cultures and ways of life.



At St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, Geography is taught as part of our themed curriculum, linking with other areas of the curriculum. The themed curriculum is planned following the National Curriculum expectations for key stage one and key Stage two, as well as the Early Years Foundation Stage objectives.



The themed curriculum addresses the four key areas of Geographical skills:

  • Geographical skills and field work
  • Locational knowledge
  • Place knowledge
  • Human and physical features and processes


These skills are mapped through key stage 1 and 2, building year on year.


Geography skills and fieldwork are planned as part of themed topics, focusing on places or processes, to provide a stimulating and motivating context.


Geography curriculum map


This is the curriculum coverage for Geography in 2022 and 2023.

Geography is highlighted green.





Year 1


Ahoy there! (Pirate maps)

Ahoy there Grace O’Malley

Hot and cold places


Castles, Kings and Queens (Changes)

A taste of India

Legends of London

Year 2


Year 3


The United Kingdom


Ancient Egypt: How did the civilisation of Egypt wax and wane?

Extreme Earth

All Around the World

The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age:

When would you prefer to have lived?

Year 4


The Mediterranean

Ancient Greece: Can we thank the Ancient Greeks for anything in our lives today?


The Romans: Why was the Roman Empire so envied? Locality

The Anglo-Saxons and Scots: How did the Anglo-Saxons and the Scots change Britain?

Local Area Study


Year 5

The Vikings

 World War 2

Local Area Study: Blitz, boom, bust – Coventry in the 20th Century

How did Coventry change in the 20th Century?

Marvellous Map Skills

Brazil - Rainforests


Year 6


The Mayans: Manmade or natural disaster – which best explains the disappearance of the Maya around AD 900?

Mighty Mountains and Raging Rivers DYM

Crime through the Centuries: Why has the meaning of the word criminal changed so much in Britain?


North America



Our learning


In key stage one we have been learning about pirate maps and where pirates travel. Here is some of our fantastic map work!